Selasa, 11 Juni 2013


Alhamdulillah. Setelah sempat bergeser dari rencana awal, karena banyaknya deadline yang harus kukejar, akhirnya rangkaian promo Buku 101 Bisnis Online Paling Laris ini berlangsung sukses dan seru. Terima kasih atas bantuan dan kerja sama yang baik dari seluruh pihak. Dari Pihak Gramedia, TVKU dan Sonora FM. Mas Yoga, mas Odnil, pak Broto, mas Yuda, mbak Maya, Aldo, Dicky Dacosta, mbak Gita, mbak Nanda dan juga semua yang berada di balik layar. Juga teman - teman komunitas yang telah turut hadir sehingga acara semakin semarak, Mak Dew, Mbak Aan, Mbak Uniek, Mbak Wati, Ania, Rahmi, Mbak Norma, Mbak Hapsari, Ayu. Dan tentu saja terima kasih atas persahabatan ini, Wuri, I heart you :)

Dapatkan bukunya di seluruh tobuk Gramedia. 337 halaman hanya Rp60rb, bisa jadi investasi berarti. Oh ya, ada alamat email masing-masing penulis di halaman belakangnya. Beberapa pembaca buku ini sudah memanfaatkannya untuk sharing dan bertanya - tanya lebih banyak mengenai bisnis online ini. Jadi seperti after sale service :)
Terima kasih untuk semua yang sudah menyaksikan talkshow di TVKU baik waktu siaran langsung maupun re-run. Untuk semua yang sudah mendengarkan di Sonora FM dan seru meramaikan diskusi interaktif. Juga untuk semua yang menyempatkan hadir di toko buku Gramedia. Membuat seru acara bedah buku dari jam 3 sampai 5 sore dan kemudian membeli bukunya.
Selamat membaca. Semoga bermanfaat dan menginspirasi.
* Ssst.. dari rangkaian promo ini, aku dapat 4 ide naskah baru untuk dieksplore lho.. alhamdulillah.

Rabu, 15 Mei 2013

6 Unique Ways to Be Successful and Happy

6 Unique Ways to Be Successful and Happy

Tired of searching for the secret to a fulfilling career and a happy life? Look no further.
Happy At Work
What if the key to becoming successful and happy is to quit trying to be either? Would that throw a wrench into your career goals? Make a mess of your life plans? If so, then you need to read this.
Here's the thing. Never before have there been so many people spending so much time searching for the secrets to a successful career and a happy life. Which is really a shame because they're not going to find either, at least not that way.
There are lots of reasons why that is, but the most glaringly obvious one is that nobody ever got anywhere by doing what everyone else is doing.
Think about it. The world has never been more competitive. If you want to have a fulfilling career and live a good life, you've got to get ahead of the competition. The only way to do that is to do things differently, to find your own unique path that works for you.
Here are six ways to do that, to become successful and happy.
Build real relationships. What a novel concept, right? While everyone else is wasting their time developing their personal brands and building huge online networks, get out and spend time with real people in the real world. One-on-one in real time. That's the only place you'll find real opportunity and friendship. And that's where success and happiness comes from. No kidding.
Groom yourself. Want to know how great companies that churn out hundreds of future CEOs develop their talent? They identify and recruit up-and-comers and then groom them by moving them around into different areas and situations. That's how they learn a broad range of skills. Experience. Get out in the world. Try different things. Get your hands dirty. That's how you'll find opportunity and figure out what makes you happy.
Do nothing. So much of life is out of our control. We never seem to have enough information to solve tough problems and make important decisions. When you need to gain some perspective, resist the urge to seek out more information. Turn off all the sources of communication, all the noise that distracts you. Just be quiet and listen to your own inner thoughts. Don't judge them; just listen. The answers to life's most difficult challenges are always there.
Work for a great company. Everybody wants to be an entrepreneur these days. Here's a novel thought. Go work for a great company. Learn from people smarter, more accomplished, more experienced than you. Learn from the pros. Find a mentor or two. Learn how business works in the real world. Figure out how you can help that company be even better. What you can bring to the party that really matters and nobody else is doing. If you're meant to be an entrepreneur, an opportunity will come to you. And you'll be ready for it.
Do one thing at a time. Everyone's so distracted with social media and all their slash jobs these days, try picking one thing you really want to do and just get it done. Prioritize. It'll provide a sense of accomplishment and control. It'll help you build confidence. Even if it fails, you'll learn from the experience. And you'll gain strength from knowing that failure didn't kill you. That will make you more resilient and give you courage to tackle bigger things.
Be good to yourself. Most people who want a lot out of life are their own worst enemy. They take themselves too seriously. Judge themselves too harshly. Expect too much out of themselves and others. If you can learn to let go of all your expectations, quit trying so hard to get somewhere, you'll learn that just being you, present in this moment, is all that matters. That's what life is all about. And that's when all good things will come to you. Success, happiness, everything.

Selasa, 09 April 2013

101 Bisnis Online Paling Laris

Cara-cara mudah memulai dan menjalankan bisnis online dari rumah

Bisnis online adalah bisnis yang fleksibel. Risikonya relatif kecil, waktunya mudah diatur karena dapat dikontrol dari rumah, dan transaksi keuangan bisa dilakukan melalui internet banking. Selain itu, modal yang diperlukan relatif kecil, tapi jangkauannya hingga seluruh Nusantara, bahkan ke luar negeri. Banyak yang menjadikan bisnis ini sebagai usaha tambahan, bahkan ada yang menjadikannya bisnis utama.

Banyaknya pilihan bisnis online ini sering membuat para pemula bingung menentukan jenis bisnis yang akan ditekuni. Lalu, bagaimana memulai dan memasarkannya, serta berapa keuntungan yang akan diperoleh?

Buku ini mengupas 101 pilihan bisnis online yang paling laris dan disukai, mulai dari bisnis jasa, kerajinan tangan, kuliner, fashion, hingga “toko” online. Pembahasannya yang mudah dan sederhana bisa membuat semua keraguan pupus, dan Anda pun siap berbisnis. Setiap bisnis juga disertai dengan uraian dan analisis keuangan yang detail. Pilihlah bisnis yang sesuai dengan diri Anda, dan raihlah sukses bersama bisnis online!

Senin, 18 Februari 2013

power of words

Words change the world.
They inspire, unite, direct, empower and prompt action.
They also discourage, divide, anger, misguide, confuse and mislead.
Empires, governments, businesses, relationships and careers rise and fall because of words.
Study President Obama’s inaugural speech, John Lennon’s Imagine, Shakespeare’s King Lear, The Oprah Winfrey Show’s 25 years of broadcast, Forrest Gump’s sweet assessment of life and Pliny The Younger’s love letters to Calpurnia and you will realize the power of words.
In faith and belief, billions and generations of people have centered their lives on words within Judaism’s Tanakh, Christianity’s Bible, Islam’s Qur’an, the Hindu Sruti, Buddhism’s Theravada and more recently, Scientology’s Dianetics.

Words change the world.

As young CEOs and aspiring entrepreneurs, think very carefully about the words filling the borders of your emails, documents, instant messages and social media profiles.
Never, ever, underestimate the professional and personal impact of the words you write and send into the ether. Businesses rise and plunge, with written communications evidenced everyday in the world’s courts of law in cases against entrepreneurs, CEOs, leaders and colleagues for abuse, defamation, breach of contract, incompetence, misdirection, unfair dismissal, harassment and unlawful business engagement.
As email is the dominant communication tool for entrepreneurs today, here are thirty suggestions to protect and power your enterprise with words that inspire, drive business, loyalty and return on written investment.
  1. Approach every email with the motivation of selling, optimizing or approving an idea, product, service, direction or recommendation. As an entrepreneur with major time, revenue and organizational demands, the opportunity cost is high when communication is not borne from this motivation
  2. Before writing, assess if your objective is more efficiently achieved with a meeting, call, office or workstation visit
  3. Your parents, grandparents, guardians and teachers taught you manners. Please use them
  4. Address the email recipient by her or his name. This also applies to cold sales prospects that you do not have a direct relationship with. She or he is not known to colleagues as a ‘Sir/Madam’ or ‘Whom It May Concern’. Research their name and designation and you are more likely to receive a response and better still, a positive one
  5. ‘Hi’, ‘Good morning’ and the like are acceptable ways of starting an email. A less traditional approach is the way forward and if the recipient is based in another country such as Thailand, use a warm ‘Sawasdee Krub’ and thankful ‘Khob Khun Krub’. Case study, glocal HSBC
  6. If you don’t have a direct relationship with the recipient, state how you are connected or where you acquired their email address, for example through a mutual contact, database, LinkedIn or web-research
  7. Be honest, write with integrity, recommend responsibly and sell your proposition factually
  8. Keep sentences and paragraphs short and to-the-point
  9. Avoid unnecessary upper cases, exclamation marks, repeated use of symbols, emoticons and chat abbreviations
  10. Minimize corporate jargon, acronyms and big words
  11. Always use the spelling and grammar check tools
  12. Clearly explain instructions, use simple words and delete words which may be open to misinterpretation
  13. Reply logically, sequentially and thoroughly
  14. Numbering and bullet-pointing are effective
  15. Remove all negative emotions. If a subject matter is contentious, write or respond professionally with facts, void of emotion
  16. Eliminate hyperboles, do not exaggerate and refrain from over-promising
  17. Delete repetition
  18. Replace negative expressions such as ‘don’t forget’ with engaging words such as ‘please remember’
  19. Replace ‘ASAP’ with an exact date or time you require the work completed
  20. Avoid being the girl or boy who famously sends ‘URGENT’ emails. The financial and relationship impact of disrupting workflows is high and your ‘URGENT’ currency loses value each time you spend it
  21. At key project junctures, explicitly state the business consequence if a task is not fulfilled
  22. Only send and Cc relevant recipients who require your email to fulfill their tasks. Do not Cc or Bcc irrelevant recipients, as this reflects as sender insecurity, ignites office politics and impacts team productivity
  23. If your company is a partnership or greater, weight towards using the royal ‘We’ rather than individual ‘I’ in your external communications
  24. Intuitively ‘sense’ and ‘pick up’ on your sender’s writing style and tactfully align. For example, the CEO of a Fortune 1000 company may respond with a punchy 1-line question regarding your business. Answer concisely.
  25. When attaching documents, compress the files and organize with an end note referencing all attachments and links, so there is no disruption to the flow of your email
  26. Start and end your written communications positively
  27. Know exactly when to cease email communications, step in and take discussions offline
  28. After an offline conversation, send a ‘Per our discussion’ agreement summary
  29. Read business journals, media announcements and advertising copy. Communications professionals are gifted at synthesizing information and presenting a simple, singular and strong argument for a product or service, a skill all CEOs must acquire. Key to this, I recommend all entrepreneurs purchase and lobby for an e-book of ‘How to do better creative work’ by Steve Harrison, one of the world’s most awarded and acclaimed creative and writing geniuses
  30. Stamp your awesome personality within the communication. You’re signing off with your name. Own it!
Words can and will shape the future of your company and the world’s perception of it.
However, with 1.9 billion email users exchanging over 294 billion messages globally everyday, something more important than your words is? The environment.
Care, challenge and catalyze change within every institution, client, colleague or partner who prints or requests you to print any email or documents exchanged. Educate them about digital alternatives to storing, presenting, viewing, sharing, editing, signing and transmitting documents. You are brilliant, but none of your words or your sender’s words are as important as the shared survival of our world’s ecosystems.
Within the thirty years between 1960 and 1990, scientists estimated that one fifth of the world’s tropical rainforests were destroyed, significantly fueled by global demand for paper products. Deforestation kills ecosystems. With the Bali and Javan tigers extinct in the past decades, only 300 Sumatran tigers are alive, 275 Sumatran Rhinoceros, 790 mountain gorillas, 550 Ethiopian wolves, 131 kakapo and 384 California Condors. Conservationists are frontline, fighting tooth, claw, blood, sweat and tears for their survival. Either join this fight or don’t contribute to this problem. There is no other respectable alternative. Today, the National Geographic Society warns that the world’s rainforests could completely vanish in a hundred years at the current rate of deforestation.
With almost 300 billion email messages advancing human knowledge, accelerating business, tightening relationships and conversationally crossing the world everyday, understand the definitive power of your words. However, take a humbler position of its value when weighted against the serious global issues of deforestation, wildlife extinction and our planet’s very survival and sustainability.
While past and older generations may or may not be apologetic or accepting of these facts and forecasts, the greater weight of the future does not belong to them. It belongs to you.
Think forward, write well, print never, recycle always and start today.

dapatkan buku 101 Bisnis Online Paling Laris di Gramedia
sumber : internet 

Minggu, 17 Februari 2013

kiat jadi mompreneur

Sebagai mompreneur, Anda memiliki dua pekerjaan penuh-waktu. Anda tidak hanya menjalankan bisnis sendiri tetapi secara bersamaan menjalankan rumahtangga juga.
Nomor satu hal yang harus Anda miliki adalah gairah jika ingin berhasilmemulai bisnis Anda sendiri. Namun semua orang juga tahu kalau gairah saja tak menjamin sebuah bisnis bisa berhasil. Di sini, kami lansir beberapa tips dari yang bisa Anda renungkan jika ingin menjadi seorangmompreneur yang sukses.
Temukan gairah Anda
Jika Anda sudah memutuskan untuk memulai bisnis sendiri dan bisnis rumahan , Anda harus menyukai yang Anda kerjakan. Motivasi adalah kunci keberhasilan dan Anda harus memiliki gairah untuk memiliki motivasi yang kuat. Temukan sesuatu yang Anda cintai dan jalankanlah.
Ciptakan “home office”
Selain gairah, Anda juga perlu memiliki satu ruangan khusus untuk bekerja di rumah. Hanya untuk membantu Anda fokus. Anda tak mungkin fokus melakukan pekerjaan sambil bermain dengan si kecil atau menyiapkan makan malam. Semua ada waktunya, dalam menjalankan usaha atau bekerja di rumah Anda harus memiliki satu ruangan serta waktu khusus untuk bekerja. Bila rumah Anda sudah tak memiliki ruangan tersisa untuk dijadikan “kantor” Anda, pilih saja satu sudut yang bisa Anda gunakan sebagai tempat Anda bekerja. 
Buat jadwal
Membuat jadwal adalah hal pertama yang wajib Anda lakukan jika ingin bekerja dari rumah. Tanpa itu semua segalanya akan berantakan. Sebab, saat memutuskan bekerja dari rumah, Anda juga tak bisa terlepas dari mengurusrumah tangga dan anak. Semuanya jadi dobel dan sepertinya tak terpisahkan. Seolah harus dikerjakan secara bersamaan. Hal ini bisa sangat merepotkan. Tapi, dengan menciptakan jadwal dan mengelola waktu dengan bijaksana Anda bisa mendapatkan semuanya.

sumber: web ciputra

DAPATKAN BUKU 101 BISNIS ONLINE PALING LARIS terbitan GPU di toko buku Gramedia